V3.3 Beta Notes

V3.3 beta currently includes the Flex Connector, built-in custom road shapes, lane info for traffic AI and a preview of the sidewalk system upgrade



Road Type Upgrade

Starting from Unity 2018.3 Road types can be managed from the project folder through the new prefab system introduced in Unity 2018.3 (0.05 in video). The type of road can be set (0.17 in the video). This is used among others on the new Flex Connector to prioritize specific connection layouts. This can also be used for AI purposes.

Three new tabs have been added to the top: Road Shape, Sidewalks, Lane Info.

v3.3 supports custom built-in road shapes on the new Flex Connector (0.25 in video). Roads with thickness are now also supported for built-in road types. The number of shape nodes can be set, the position of each node can be set both in the Inspector and on the prefab stage. Important at the moment is Left and Right Outer Line Marking checkboxes (0.36 in video). These define positions on the road txture where the UVs for the left / right side of the texture should remain at a fixed position from the edge. In the current crossing op[tions this is defined by "Inner Segment Distance" in the Corner / Sidewalk Settings. This way UVs will be generated correctly on crossings corners. So if this is relevant for a road type, make sure to add these two nodes to the total node count for the road.

In the Lane Info tab (0.52 in video) the number of lanes can be set, based on the number the lane position will be set automatically including whether they are left or right lanes. The positions can be changed manually.

UV data and material info can be set in the Materials tab. The reason for this new materials tab is that more advanced lane specific material options will be available in v3.3.

The Sidewalks tab can be used to set the default sidewalk state for this road type.

Further below in the road type settings the speed limit can be set per road type (1.10 in video), available at runtime through the scripting API.

Starting at 1.20, the above new options are shown for versions older then Unity 2018.3. The Road Shape Editor button (1.31 in video) will open the new toolbar tab similar to the one explained above. Also newis the Visualize Road Type button (1.36 in video). It will show the road type in Scene View.



Flex Connector

In V3.3 new built-in connections types are introduced starting with the Flex Connector. Currently this is a new connector option for the current X and T Connectors after instantiating them in the scene (2.07 in video). At the moment it is important to first pull out new roads or attach existing roads. After that the Connector can be turned in a Flex Connector (2.21 in video). All connectors will support flexible angles, roads can be detached and attached. Different road type can be selected. As visible in the video at 2.47 this requires road type selection for both the connector segment as the road. The reason for this is that you may want a different surface in between the main road and the connected road. The main road triangulation can be changed (3.07 in video) to match the connected roads, outerline options are currentluy possible through decals (3.22 in video). These decals can be set in the decalk section of the specific road type. Examples will follow in next updates. as can be seen at 4:34 in the video, the number of connections is not limited to 3 or 4, more connections can be added.



V3.3 will have new sidewalks options. A new Sidewalks section is added to the General Settings tab. New sidewlak presets can be created here. Currently only the standard shape is supported.

Sidewalk presets will be selected on road objects and on Flex Connectors per connections. So contrary to v3.12 and v3.2 sidewalks can be activated directly on roads.

The new system is in preview state. More sidewalk shape options will be added and the workflow will be improved. For example activating sidewalks on a road will also auto activate sidewalks on possible crossing connections and vice versa. There will also be more triangulation options to support different types of sidewalks.


Lane Info for Traffic AI

V3.3 includes options to create lane data for both roads and intersection accessible through the scripting API.

A new section AI Traffic is added to General Settings (6.21 in video). AI Traffic can be activated here, left-right-hand traffic can be set and you can specific how lane data should be generated on crossings.

Based on the new lane info options for road types, mentioned above, lane data will be generated automatically for roads. The display of the Lane data can be controlled in General Settings > Scene View > Display Lane Data (6.34 in video) or through Ctrl + L.

For intersections it is possible to auto generate lane connectors for all possible combinations (6.42 in video). Lanes can be selected, This shows a number of options. Relevant at this moment are Speed Limit and Delete Lane Connector. The other options will be activated later and more options will follow. Lanes can also be created manually (6.55 in video).

The Lane Data is avaialable through the scripting API. The simple road network in the scene "AI Traffic Scene" in the beta package is based on both the standard X crossing and the new Flex Connector and includes a basic AI script using the lane data. It is the same script as used in this video starting at 7.26.


The below video shows and example how a custom road shape can be created and how they are supported by the v3.3 Flex Connector.




  • /Assets/EasyRoads3D scenes/Beta Demo Scene, this scene includes example presets. After selecting the road network object, the side object presets will be added to the project file. These presets will then also be available for road networks in other scenes.


  • Custom road shapes with more then two nodes will only work on Flex Connectors, not on the standard X and T Crossings
  • Multiple adjacent connections attached to a main road section is not yet supported
  • AI Lane curves between roads with significant different widths needs more optimization
  • Currently AI lane connectors are generated between all lanes. This will be optimized so optionally connectors will only be generated between matching lane indexes


Known Issues / To Do:

  • Avoid disconnecting roads up to the point where only one road is still connected. This will result in errors.
  • Possible triangulation issues for secondary roads attached to main road sections depending on the curve angle and the width of the secondary road relatively to the main road. For now, increasing the rounding radius in the corners will fix this.


V3.3 Road Map:

  • Flex Connector: More triangulation types including blending
  • Flex Connector: Decal shapes adjusting to custom road shapes
  • Flex Connector: LOD levels
  • Flex Connector: Decal examples (at 3.25 in the first video) will be added in next updates
  • Flex Connector: More control over lane curves on crossings
  • Motorway exits
  • Sidewalks: More triangulation options and general workflow improvements